CTCN/UNIDO Call for Proposals: Services in Order to Reduce GHG Emissions in the Cement Industry in South Africa


News facts

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Climate Technology Centre and Network

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is looking for member of the CTCN Network that can provide technical services related to GHG emissions reduction in the cement industry in South Africa.

The South African government has indicated the importance of and need to grow the country’s green economy, and has committed to reducing carbon emissions produced in the country whilst indicating the increased expense on infrastructure to be spent on housing, schools, economic zone development, and bulk service delivery infrastructure; all of which requires cement.

The CTCN technical assistance aims to assess the cost efficiency for the hybrid system of waste heat recovery (WHR) and mineral carbon capture and utilization (MCC&U).

The objectives of this assignment are to examine the technical and financial feasibility of the technology, determine  the  GHG  emission  reduction  potential,  assess  the  cost  efficiency  of  the  hybrid  system, and to design a business plan for the project implementation.

Complete Offer must be submitted via the UNIDO e-Procurement portal by 9 November 2016, 17:00 Vienna, Austria time. 

More about this technical assistance. 

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