CTCN/UNIDO Call for Proposals: Evaluation of technology funding obstacles for Chile's agrifood sector

Santiago Market

News facts

Source organisation
Climate Technology Centre and Network
Cross-sectoral enabler
Economics and financial decision-making

The Climate Technology Centre is seeking proposals for the evaluation of the main obstacles to funding for investment in climate technologies which micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) face in the agrifood sector in Chile.

This technical assistance addresses the low level of incorporation of climate technologies among agrifood MSMEs in Chile, which is affecting their competitiveness. A preliminary diagnostic by the country’s authorities attributed the lack of incorporation to barriers and enabling conditions (many institutional), which MSMSEs have not been able to overcome. One of the main factors thus far has been the failure to use national funding options or the lack of such instruments focused on MSMEs.

The assistance consists of the delivery of eight outputs that contribute to delivering the final objective of an up to date diagnosis of barriers in the sector and recommendations of instruments to be used (including funding instruments), as well as building national capacity for replicating the experience in other agrichains.The intended outputs are as follows:

  1. Development of implementation planning and communication documents
  2. Identification of agri-chains relevant to SMEs, pilot case study and evaluation of critical points.
  3. Updated assessment of clean technology needs among SMEs in the identified agri-chains.
  4. Identification of potential internal boundary conditions and barriers that may act as obstacles to policies for promotion among SMEs.
  5. Review and evaluation of the APL development process to include climate change criteria.
  6. Study of the existing funding instruments for SMEs in Chile, their scope and level of use, and an evaluation of their effectiveness and the potential of extending these to clean technologies.
  7. Analysis of international options for funding instruments and the feasibility of applying them to Chile. Analysis of international options for funding instruments and the feasibility of applying them to Chile.
  8. A descriptive document that can form the basis of a funding proposal for establishing funding instruments to speed up access to and implementation of clean technologies by SMEs.

The completed offer must be submitted via the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) e-Procurement portal https://procurement.unido.org  by 26 June 2017, 17:00 Vienna, Austria time. 

Please note: In the event that your institution is not yet a CTCN  network  member,  you  may  bid  for  implementation  of  the  technical  assistance,  subject  to  the  condition  that  you  submit  your  completed  application  for CTC Network membership before the bid closure and the same is acknowledged by the CTCN. Furthermore, the contract award – should your bid be selected – is conditional to your network membership application having been successfully approved by the Director of CTCN. Should the bidder decide to partner with another institution to deliver the services described in these Terms of Reference, it is expected that the partner institution also joins the CTC Network.

More about this technical assistance

Climate Technology Network application

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