News facts
The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) is seeking a national consultant from Zambia to develop a technology roadmap on conservation farming with agro-forestry. The technology roadmap is expected to serve as a tool to assess feasibility, develop business and financial models for bankable projects and prepare for investment. Deadline for applications: 8 August 2017.
A technology roadmap is a coherent basis for specific technology development and transfer activities, providing a common (preferable quantitative) objective, time-specific milestones and a consistent set of concrete actions. Conservation farming refers to a number of practices that in combination conserve soil, moisture, fertilizer, seeds, energy and time. Basic features include no burning of crop residues, correctly spaced planting basins established before the rains, early planting of all crops, early weeding and rotation with a minimum of 30% legumes in the system.
The roadmap will be developed by the consultant, with support from international experts and national stakeholders, including the Ministry of Agriculture, the Conservation Farming Unit, Zambia Agriculture Research Institute, and the Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre Institute.
As part of its capacity building services, the CTCN created the Incubator Programme to support Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to strengthen institutional capacities and identify technology priorities to achieve adaptation and mitigation targets. The Incubator Programme helps LDCs bring together key national stakeholders around the NDE to identify and prioritise specific technology actions for NDC implementation through the development of a technology roadmap. The CTCN in collaboration with Zambian National Designated Entity and CTCN Consortium Partner the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) organised a national workshop on Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) implementation as part of the Incubator Programme. During this workshop, stakeholders agreed to develop a technology roadmap on conservation farming.
The CTCN is the operational arm of the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism and is hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) together with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
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