The CTCN steers efforts to unlock opportunities for low-emission transportation in Asia Pacific & Africa Regions


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Endogenous technologies
Cross-sectoral enabler
Capacity building and training
Governance and planning

Global dependence on fossil fuels in the transport sector has been a key driver of climate change and air pollution. Among countries in South Asia, the Pacific & African Region, motorized transport accounts for a large share of total GHG emissions. The swift replacement of internal combustion engines (ICE Vehicles) with Electric Vehicles (EVs) is imperative to decarbonize the transport sector.

The CTCN has been supporting 15 countries globally through its technical assistance on the development of policies, action plans, and feasibility studies related to low emission transport. The CTCN, in partnership with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and Green Technology Centre, South Korea (GTC-K), organized a 4-day workshop, 20-23 June, in Delhi to facilitate knowledge exchange and regional collaboration among countries from the Asia Pacific and African regions, and sector/ industry experts from India and South Korea, on low-carbon transportation, focusing on electric mobility. Ten National Designated Entities participated. 

To steer this effort, TERI and GTC-K provided a background paper outlining ways to transition existing fossil fuel-based fleets and promote electrification in developing economies. The paper reviewed the best practices from selected countries, highlighted the importance of the transport sector in addressing climate change impacts, and recommended possible policy interventions to address the challenges identified among selected countries.

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