CTCN at the Latin America and Caribbean Carbon Forum


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Climate Technology Centre and Network
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CTCN participated at the Latin America and Caribbean Carbon Forum in the session on making links between “Mitigation, Finance and Innovative Technology Solutions”. This session delved into the latest developments, outlooks and trends across the buffet of low-carbon technologies, financing and institutions. The participants explored which developments and new opportunities might best be leveraged to propel and scale low-carbon action & investment across LAC regions. The panel discussed about profitability, scalability and replicability across the gamut of low-carbon solutions - along with the emerging institutions and financing models that will help facilitate their realization and success. 

The CTCN intervention stressed the importance of connectivity and access to information as a key to accelerate deployment of climate technology at a global scale.

“Now that countries at the global level have defined their objectives on mitigation and adaptation through their NDCs, they need to identify and prioritize those technologies that will help them achieve these objectives in the most efficient manner. There is a need to establish stronger links with technology developers and provide countries with the opportunity to take informed decisions” said Marta Moneo, CTCN Regional Coordinator for Latin America and Caribbean.


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