News facts
Laos’ Provincial Office of Natural Resources and Management requested assistance in conducting city climate vulnerability assessments and identification of ecosystem based adaptation interventions. Lao PDR asked the CTCN to undertake city level climate vulnerability assessment of people and ecosystems for Laos’ six most socio-economically important cities. As part of the assistance, experts from CTCN Consortium partner UNEP-DHI Partnership – Centre on Water and Environment met stakeholders last week in Laos, discussed the country needs and objectives.
This technical assistance is required so that city specific ecosystem based adaptation (EBA) responses can be identified and subsequently implemented as part of a proposed Green Climate Fund project. The requested city level vulnerability assessments will provide information and analysis on how people living in the six cities are currently impacted by climate change and how they will be impacted under future climate scenarios, what ecosystem goods and services are being provided to the city populations, what is the capacity of these ecosystems to provide services under future climate scenarios, identify and cost ecosystem-based adaptation interventions that would be able to respond sufficiently to reducing climate risks faced by cities.
Expected benefits of CTCN assistance include building the capacity of state and municipal authorities in Lao PDR to address national and sub-national adaptation priorities as a result of using data to inform the design of on-the-ground adaptation action. The technical assistance also aims to create environmental and social co-benefits such as enhanced provision of water and waste treatment through improved ecosystem management.
Pictures from the mission