News facts
The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) is assisting Jamaica with the identification of a multidisciplinary research and technological development (R&TD) agenda that incorporates collaboration with academia, R&TD centers and the private sector. The aim is to support the achievement of climate change targets in the key sectors identified in relevant policy frameworks, including the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and the National Development Plan – Vision 2030.
Jamaica´s energy matrix shows a distinct dependence on fossil fuels, which makes it challenging to move forward in complying with the NDCs goals. However, the transformation of the energy matrix faces many challenges. For electricity generation the adoption of environmentally friendly technologies, for example, during the generation and storage of energy, is limited by the high costs involved in acquiring equipment, which limits its diffusion, in addition to facing grid integration problems. Furthermore, there is also the heavy weight of highly fuel-demanding activities within the economy where a majority of the energy consumption corresponds to transport and industry. This situation creates a need to consolidate research and technological development (R&TD) capacities to guarantee an adequate transfer assimilation and deployment of the acquired technology, in order to achieve an appropriate mastery of them.
It is expected that this project will contribute to the improvement and technological development aimed at increasing energy efficiency and reducing GHGs.