News facts
The European Development Days (EDD) is Europe’s leading forum on development and international cooperation. Organised by the European Commission, the forum brings together each year the global development community to share ideas and experiences that can inspire new partnerships and innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.
This year’s EDD will focus on addressing inequalities and building a world which leaves no one behind. It will highlight the European Union’s commitment to addressing inequalities in line with the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The CTCN is hosting the following session during the 2-day event.
Rise Of The Eco Village
How community-based design and supportive technologies are creating new models for equality and sustainability
Brainstorming Lab, Wednesday, June 19, 14:45 to 16:00
Climate change action at all levels is critical for the achievement of sustainable development goals. Ecovillages around the world are serving as innovation centres for testing low-carbon, resource-efficient community design. But can ecovillages also serve as models for the development of effective institutions to cultivate inclusive, responsive and transparent decision-making in developing more regenerative, resilient societies? And are there aspects of ecovillage life which are scalable and replicable in other settings?
An international panel will discuss key aspects of ecovillage design from environmental and social considerations to the use of supportive technologies, with examples from Asia, Africa and Europe. Then panellists and participants will brainstorm together on key ways to amplify eco-village principles to reduce inequalities in addressing climate change.
- Ms. Karina Kolbrun Larsen, CTCN
- Mr. Ousmane Pame, Global Ecovillage Network - Africa / President, Network for Ecovillage Emergence and Development in the Sahel (REDES), Senegal
- Ms. Judit Szoleczky, International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE)
- Mr. Tore Muurholm Dahl, Grobund Eco-village, Denmark