CTCN in Bangladesh: Identified promising and low-cost technologies for purification of saline water

Water Bangladesh

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Climate Technology Centre and Network

The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) assisted Bangladesh to identify and prioritize saline water purification technologies at household level and low-cost durable housing technologies applicable for coastal areas.

In Bangladesh, due to sea-level rise, saline water intrusion in the coastal areas is increasing significantly while fresh water flow from the upper riparian countries is gradually decreasing. As a result, most of the land areas are becoming saturated with saline water, and potable water is becoming scarcer. Collecting fresh water is becoming a major task for women and children in poor households.  Low-cost climate resilient housing is another important issue for the coastal people of Bangladesh. The houses made of low quality materials can not last long.

“Field visit and stakeholder and expert consultations helped critically review existing water purification technologies barriers and discuss the technology solutions. We are considering now to prepare a concept note to get the funding from the Green Climate Fund (GCF)”, noted Dr. A.K.M. Rafique Ahammed from the Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, the National Designated Entity of the CTCN. 

Sustainable water purification technology options have been defined based on the environmental and socio-economic factors in consultation with global experts, different NGOs and local and national governments.  

The project was implemented by the partners from South Korea (Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, the Green Technology Center and the Glory & Tech). 

Please read more here. 

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