CTCN at the Asia Clean Energy Forum: Accelerating clean energy transformation in partnership with the private sector


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Climate Technology Centre and Network
Renewable energy
Energy efficiency

The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) organized a workshop on accelerating clean energy technology transformation with private sector during the Asia Clean Energy Forum 2019 in Manila, Philippines.  This European Commission supported workshop was attended by 60 energy professionals and organized in partnership with the Asian Development Bank and co-supported by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan.

Mr. Enrico Strampelli, Head of Cooperation, Minister Counsellor, EU Delegation in the Philippines in his opening remarks emphasized that interventions address climate change needs much more acceleration than past. He mentioned that Asia is the biggest destination for private sector engagement pertaining to the vast potential for deploying the clean energy technologies and Asia offers the opportunity to apply integrated approaches to address water and poverty issues through clean energy deployment.

The speakers presented case studies and shared experiences on public-private partnerships ranging from policy to ground level implementation of clean energy technologies.

The panel 2 experts deliberated on the Opportunities for Private Sector Growth from Clean Energy Transitions having a mix of success stories on

  • Project aggregation facilities like PFAN where the smaller private sector led projects were given opportunities to achieve the scale presented by Mr. Peter du Pont, PFAN, Asia Head.
  • Embracing new and emerging technologies like Carbon Capture Storage by having awareness to conduct the right economic analysis. A correct economic analysis conducted the new technologies like carbon capture storage can be proved as the most cost efficient especially when it can be supplemented best with industries like conventional power plants and cement production as presented by Ms. Beth Hardy from Carbon Capture Storage Knowledge Centre Canada.
  • Business models, designed to drive customer demand and customized to fit the technology, adopted by Energy Efficiency Services Ltd, India was presented by Mr. Rajeev Ralhan from PWC India.



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