News facts
14-15 October, Carbon Forward 2020
In order for countries and companies to support the Paris Agreement and honour commitments to achieve Net-Zero carbon by 2050, they need to know how. Carbon Forward 2020 will bring together carbon market expertise and talent from across the governmental, finance, energy, transport and aviation sectors to show you the way. Delegates will join those experts to discuss the risks and opportunities associated with constantly evolving climate change landscape. In the EU ETS, emitters, regulators and investors need to understand the impacts of reduced free allocations, changing energy fundamentals and how the post-2020 reforms will alter everything once again. Beyond the EU ETS, existing and new environmental markets are growing in importance, prominence and financial risk both in Europe and around the world.
Delegates will discover practical solutions that can help manage the financial risks of cutting carbon emissions across different industries as well as how companies are cutting their emissions. Carbon Forward will give you the opportunity to network with policy makers, industrials, trade associations, traders, analysts, and other environmental markets sector professionals.