Call from XacBank: Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Monitoring Best Practices Site Visit and Knowledge Sharing


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Renewable energy
Energy efficiency

XacBank is a commercial bank founded in 2001 and headquartered in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. XacBank is an accredited entity of the Green Climate Fund (GCF). In one of their approved GCF funding proposals in 2017, the bank expanded Business Loan for GHG Emissions Reduction program, an on-lending program to lessen capital burdens for Mongolian micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises who are investing in energy efficiency or renewable energy technology. As part of the GCF approval, XacBank has prioritized improving internal monitoring and evaluation capacities.

XacBank is seeking to conduct a site visit to an entity, or a particular project, that has very developed and robust monitoring practices that they can learn from, particularly on the technical side. The site visit is non-commercial in nature, meaning the host entity should not expect to be paid a fee for the best-practice learning experience. However all the travel and other logistics related to participation will be taken care by Xac Bank on their own.

The site visit:

1) Technical/energy-related monitoring and evaluation best practices for EE and RE technologies, particularly ex-post facto monitoring (priority)

2) Energy Savings Insurance program development best practices & lessons learned (if possible)

3) Energy Service Company engagement best practices & lessons learned (if possible)

Further details will be provided to those who formally express interest to XacBank by email to [email protected] by March 31, 2018, with the subject line “Site visit Expression of Interest.”

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