Call for experts: Development of a National Plan for Integrated Fire Management in Colombia

Call for experts: Development of a National Plan for Integrated Fire Management in Colombia

News facts

Source organisation
Climate Technology Centre and Network
Early warning and Environmental assessment
Cross-sectoral enabler
Governance and planning


The CTCN is seeking experts to participate in the upcoming solicitation to provide technical assistance on:

Development of a National Plan for Integrated Fire Management in Colombia

Deadline for submission: August 12, 2024

The primary goal of this technical assistance initiative is to develop a comprehensive National Plan for integrated fire management in Colombia. This plan will include short, medium, and long-term strategies that integrate environmental management, fire management, and disaster risk management related to forest fires.

Additionally, the technical assistance will support the entities within the National Environmental System (SINA), the National Climate Change System (SISCLIMA), and the National Disaster Risk Management System (SNGRD). Some of the expected outputs are:

  • Development of implementation planning and communication documents;
  • Establishment of a Technical Assitance (TA) coordination mechanism and formation of a stakeholder technical working group;
  • Definition of the structure of the National Plan for Integrated Fire Management;
  • Participatory workshops to validate the National Plan for Integrated Fire Management;
  • Development of the final version of the National Plan for Integrated Fire Management;

For more information, please visit the UN Global Market Place (UNGM) or UNPD.

If you are not a CTCN network member yet, you may apply here.  

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