Call for applications: 2017 Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards


News facts

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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

The Women & Gender Constituency launched the 2017 Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards.

The Women and Gender Constituency (WGC) is one of the nine stakeholder groups of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Established in 2009, the WGC now consists of 20 women’s and environmental civil society organizations, who are working to ensure that women’s voices and their rights are embedded in all processes and results of the UNFCCC framework, for a sustainable and just future, so that gender equality and women’s human rights are central to the ongoing discussions.

Selection & Award: Initiatives will be reviewed by an international jury with members of the Women and Gender Constituency. Two tiers of ‘Winners’ will be selected:

  1. Three top ‘Award Winners’ will be identified, one per category. These three winners will each receive a Seed Grant of 2000 Euros; travel for one representative to attend the Awards Ceremony held at COP23 in Bonn, Germany this November 2017; and 1-year of mentorship activities from the members of the Women and Gender Constituency (see here for details).
  2. Up to 30 additional ‘Runners-Up’ will be featured in a full color-publication which will be showcased in a high-level international awards ceremony at COP23, as well as be highlighted on the WGC website.

Applications Close: Monday, 4 September, 5pm EST

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