WRP Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd
WRP is an engineering consultancy firm with expertise in the fields of water resources engineering, water conservation, community awareness, water demand management, water infrastructure planning and design and software development. WRP provides comprehensive water resource planning and water conservation training courses both locally and abroad, with training initiatives implemented in Australia, Botswana, Brazil, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Thailand, USA, and Zambia. Water resource planning, water conservation and water demand management are central to climate change mitigation and adaptation through the improved management of our scarce water resources, improved water use efficiency in the urban, mining, agricultural and industrial water use sectors and the reduction of water losses and non-revenue water. Since February 2017, WRP is wholly owned by EOH Holdings Limited, the largest technology and knowledge services provider in South Africa.