NTPC Limited
NTPC is largest power utility in India with an installed capacity of 51,410 MW, plans to become a 130 GW company by 2032. NTPC has comprehensive Rehabilitation & Resettlement and CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility) policies well integrated with its core business of setting up power projects and generating electricity. The company is committed to generating reliable power at competitive prices in a sustainable manner by optimising the use of multiple energy sources with innovative eco-friendly technologies. NTPC recognized the potential of cutting edge technology in further improving its services and efficiency. The company is fully aligned to the needs of adapting to emerging technologies and upgrading the technologies through research and development. The company is particularly sensitive to Research & Development and the paradigm shift which it can make. NETRA (NTPC Energy Technology Research Alliance) set up in 2009 is the outcome of this vision. Its core areas of research are: climate change, waste management, carbon capture and Utilization, new & renewable energy, efficiency improvement and cost reduction besides providing scientific support to NTPC and external utilities for improving availability, reliability and efficiency.