Natural Resources and Environmental Research Center, University of Haifa
Natural Resources and Environmental Research Center (NRERC), University of Haifa is a resaerch and academic institution established in 1985 with the mission to carry out interdisciplinary research in the area of natural resource and environmental resource management, pioneering this academic research field in Israel. NRERC is chosen, by the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection, to lead "The Israeli Center for Climate Change" (ICCIC). It has conducted theoretical, applied and policy studies in the areas of Environmental Resource Management (water and air quality, solid waste, noise pollution, preservation of natural areas and open spaces), and Natural Resource Management (depleting and renewable resource: water, energy, non-fuel minerals). Areas of scientific activity include water trade issues, tradable pollution permits, the value of open spaces, the existence of unique natural resources, solid waste and recycling, pollution from transportation, biodiversity conservation, and economic aspects of climate change. Studies include evaluation of the economic costs of global climate change in the Mediterranean; Vulnerability of Water Resource due to Climate Change in the Eastern-Mediterranean Ecosystem- an Integrated Approach to Sustainable Management- Socio-Economic Aspect etc.