KenTec Denmark ApS
The company KenTec was established in 1992 with the purpose of offering consultancy assistance within software development for decentralized Power/Heating plants to utilize the Danish natural gas to be burned in gas engines driving generators to produce electricity to the national grid lines. As a function to enhance the efficiency the waste energy is utilized as district heating. The customers were LR Energi A/S and Lyngsø Industri A/S both of Denmark. In 1996 the company invested in a wind power project and became an independent power producer. In 2001 the company KenTec Denmark ApS was established and Mr. Kent Larsen is the sole owner of both companies. The original KenTec has since been renamed to MeasTec.
One of the main purposes of KenTec Denmark ApS is assistance to clients in developing wind projects worldwide. The customers are primarily companies that wish to establish themselves as owners or
developers of wind energy projects. Additionally, also more established companies require assistance with various jobs regarding project development during overburdened periods.
KenTec Denmark ApS has solely been involved with international projects, the most recent being projects in The Philippines, Sri Lanka, Italy, France, Jordan, USA, Vietnam, Kenya and Tanzania. The
involvement with these projects has been of varying kind. In some of the projects KenTec Denmark ApS has carried out specially defined tasks. In other projects the engagement has included all the project phases, from finding sites with suitable wind potential and available grid connection to wind and production assessment and contracting with utility companies and landowners via Power Purchase
Agreements and Land Lease Agreements. Often the outcome is a complete and thorough Wind Atlas and Feasibility Study with the purpose to reduce risks by highly accurate resource performance and cost analysis.