Wave power is the transport of energy by ocean surface waves, and the capture of that energy to do useful work ? for example, electricity generation, water desalination, or the pumping of water (into reservoirs). A machine able to exploit wave power is generally known as a wave energy converter (WEC).

Wave energy

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    Coastal zones
    Infrastructure and Urban planning

    Baird is a pre-eminent engineering company recognized worldwide for creative and innovative solutions where water meets land.

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    GRID-Arendal is a Norwegian foundation that supports the United Nations Environment Programme.  It is a centre of excellence for the scientific analysis of environmental issues in many areas including environmental assessments, ocean issues and polar regions.

  • Technology

    As the quest for clean renewable energy intensifies the proposition of extracting energy from ocean waves sounds increasingly more attractive. The wave energy resource is recognized to contain the highest energy density among renewables and is virtually inexhaustible. Moreover unlike wind the wave climate is more predictable and is generally less intermittent. The primary waves of interest are those generated by the blowing of the winds which in turn are a product of differential heating of the earth. Therefore the wave energy may be considered as a concentrated form of solar energy.

  • Technology

    Eco Wave Power is the sole global inventor owner and developer of the unique EWP wave energy devices developed for %extracting energy from ocean and sea waves and converting it into effective sustainable practical feasible and affordable 100 emissions free electricity. The EWP converters draw energy from wave power throughout uniquely shaped floaters The Wave Clapper and the Power Wing that rise and fall with the up and down motion lifting force change of water level hydraulic air lock and incident flux of waves.

  • Technology

    Innovative Wave Energy Conversion system. Simple Low Tech Rugged Affordable Designed for use with smaller waves Size can be adjusted for Location Our innovative approach solves many of the engineering challenges involved in harnessing Wave energy. Minimal environmental Impact Scaleable if deployed as designed 24/7 baseload Power is achievable. Energy Storage Capacity built into design additional Storage systems available. Has the ability to produce both fresh water and electricity simultaneously.