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Water efficiency

  • Publication date

    A hybrid model incorporating the econometric and programming models was developed to quantify the impact of climate change on agriculture in Godavari basin, India. The Just and Pope production function was used to estimate the mean yield of crops and the variance associated with the mean yield and using the estimated yield, the multiple goal programming model was used to optimize the land and water use under mid and end century climate change scenarios.

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    Relation to CTCN
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    Knowledge Partner
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Renewable energy
    Energy efficiency

    WECF is an international network of over 150 women's and civil society organizations implementing projects in 50 countries and advocating globally to shape a just and sustainable world

  • Technology

    Tal-Ya is a new Israeli company that develops innovative water saving solutions for row-crop agriculture vineyards forestry and the municipal gardening sectors. Collecting and using DEW together with more efficient use of irrigated water represents savings of up to 90% irrigated water. Square cover over a plant’s root system and the surrounding soil (replaces traditional plastic mulch) collects dew during the night and prevents evaporation during the day directing all water to one single point- the root system. Irrigated water is directed more efficiently to the right spot.

  • Objective

    Total freshwater withdrawals reported for 163 countries by the Pacific Institute showed that in the median country residential water use accounted for 16% of total freshwater withdrawals (Gleick et al., 2006). Therefore, residential conservation efforts can make a strong positive contribution to reducing pressure on water resources. Reducing water use in municipal systems also contributes to climate change mitigation by decreasing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

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    Relation to CTCN
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    Sector(s) of expertise
    Renewable energy
    Energy efficiency

    In 1990 the Energy Efficiency Trust FIDE was created as a private non-profit corporation with the purpose of encouraging electric energy savings and promoting the development of a culture for the rational use of electricity.

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    Relation to CTCN
    Network Member
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Early warning and Environmental assessment
    Renewable energy
    Energy efficiency
    Waste management

    PUCV has expertise in the areas of clean production, sustainable development, mitigation technologies and renewable energy project design and implementation.

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    TA proponent
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Energy efficiency

    Vietnam Cleaner Production Centre (VNCPC) is a Public Service Limited Liability Company established in 1998 with the mission to bring added values to clients through advanced scientific and technological services to contribute to the promotion of sustainable production and consumption.

  • Publication date

    Zimbabwe is struggling with the adverse effects of climate change on the country’s water supply, while at the same time the energy supply often cannot meet the industry’s demand creating a strain on the power grid. Previous studies that indicated a high resource efficiency improvement potential in key industries in the country have triggered policy initiatives, however, these could not be implemented successfully due to a number of barriers. To mitigate these challenges the Government of Zimbabwe approached the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) for assistance.

  • Knowledge partner
    Knowledge partner
    Country of registration
    United Kingdom
    Relation to CTCN
    Network Member
    Knowledge Partner
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Early warning and Environmental assessment
    Renewable energy
    Energy efficiency

    Practical Action Consulting (PAC) is the consulting arm of Practical Action, an international non-governmental organisation that uses technology to challenge poverty in developing countries.

  • Knowledge partner
    Knowledge partner
    Country of registration
    Relation to CTCN
    Network Member
    Knowledge Partner
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Energy efficiency

    Econoler is a private sector consulting firm established in 1981 with the mission to provide quality energy efficiency and renewable energy professional services while respecting sustainable development principles.