This Technology Transfer Advances Bangladesh's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to develop climate resilient housing, and its recognition of water security as a key area for which to address the adverse impacts of climate change.
Artificial Intelligence for Climate Action: an initiative by the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism towards achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement
The UNFCCC Technology Mechanism is setting in motion an initiative to explore the potential role of artificial intelligence as a powerful technological tool in advancing and scaling up transformative climate solutions for mitigation, adaptation, and resilience, particularly for the most vulnerable communities.
Solomon Islands comprise hundreds of islands. Solomon Islands Water Authority (SW), a state-owned enterprise, is mandated to operate as the provider of municipal water and wastewater services. About 95% of total installed capacity of electricity generation in Solomon Islands is based on fossil fuels, and the balance 5% is through renewable energy sources. The electricity tariff of Solomon Islands is one of the highest in the Pacific since a major share of electricity in the Islands is met through fossil fuels.
The UNFCCC Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Initiative (WIPO), the Northeast Water Innovation Network (NEWIN), and InvenTrust are inviting to join an innovation competition to address two key challenges, essential in pathways to a global, safe, and sustainable future:
• Energy Efficient Water Desalination
• Eliminating Leakage in Water Distribution
The Climate Technology Centre is seeking a member of the CTCN Network to provide technical services in order to asses suitable flood mitigation measures in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Flash floods and mudflows occurring on small rivers as a result of heavy rains impact various parts of Tbilisi, causing heavy damage and/or human casualties. Recommendations for appropriate actions to prevent flooding of the Tsavkisiskhevi River are therefore sought.