This Technology Transfer Advances Bangladesh's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to develop climate resilient housing, and its recognition of water security as a key area for which to address the adverse impacts of climate change.
A hybrid model incorporating the econometric and programming models was developed to quantify the impact of climate change on agriculture in Godavari basin, India. The Just and Pope production function was used to estimate the mean yield of crops and the variance associated with the mean yield and using the estimated yield, the multiple goal programming model was used to optimize the land and water use under mid and end century climate change scenarios.
This report highlights the potentially significant impacts on the hydrologic cycle and the importance of considering secondary effects, particularly with regard to water, resulting from the widespread adoption of global climate change mitigation measures. It is recommended that the implicit hydrologic dimensions of climate change mitigation should be more formally articulated within the international environmental conventions, and recognized within future UNFCCC negotiations on the CDM-AR provisions.
The impacts of climate change on agriculture and food production in Southeast Asia will be largely mediated through water, but climate is only one driver of change. Water resources in the region will be shaped by a complex mixture of social, economic and environmental factors.
Artificial Intelligence for Climate Action: an initiative by the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism towards achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement
The UNFCCC Technology Mechanism is setting in motion an initiative to explore the potential role of artificial intelligence as a powerful technological tool in advancing and scaling up transformative climate solutions for mitigation, adaptation, and resilience, particularly for the most vulnerable communities.