Date of submissionPhaseCompletedCountriesObjectiveSectorsCross-sectoral enablerApproach
Date of submissionPhaseCompletedCountriesObjectiveSectorsCross-sectoral enablerApproach
Tonga's Nationally Determined Contribution emphasizes the need for energy efficiency in the transport and electricity sectors due to their high share of GHG emission of about 63%. Tonga has requested CTCN fast technical assistance to further revise the Tonga Energy Efficiency Master Plan (TEEMP) to reflect the socio-economic benefits, cost-benefit analysis, time frame for interventions under TEEMP and economic contribution.
Date of submissionPhaseCompletedCountriesObjectiveSectors
This Technology Transfer Advances Tonga's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to "improve energy efficiency through reduction of electricity line losses to 9 percent by 2020 (from a baseline of 18 percent in 2010)" and to work towards achieving its emission reduction targets for the transport, agriculture, waste and forest industry.
Date- Europe/CopenhagenCountryThailand
Event providing rich networking opportunities to our National Designated Entities based in Asia.
Date- Europe/CopenhagenCountryThailand
Event providing rich networking opportunities to our National Designated Entities based in Asia.
Publication dateObjective
The Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) works towards integrated and inclusive markets for sustainable energy products and services by promoting economies of scale and equal progress between countries through regional exchange, tools and methodologies. PCREEE has a strong private sector mandate and promotes activities with high relevance for domestic businesses, entrepreneurs and industry.
Publication dateObjective
During COP23, the Centre provided country Parties and other stakeholders with a platform to discuss progress and trends in technology transfer in terms of bridging gaps between countries' technology planning and the innovators and financiers implementing technology solutions. Below, you'll find a selection of presentations from various CTCN events at COP23.
Date- Europe/CopenhagenCountrySamoa
Key documents
Session 1 – Opening
Session 2 - The CTCN
Session 3 - Linking CTCN activities with national priorities and mechanism under the Convention
Publication dateObjective
From today, developing countries will have stronger technology and financial backing to help meet their commitments to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. This is thanks to a new agreement being signed between the Green Climate Fund and UN Environment, at the request of Parties to the Climate Convention.
Publication date
AS DISCUSSED IN CHAPTER 1, SETTING TARGETS IS ONE MANIFESTATION OF POLITICAL COMMITMENT. COUNTRIES HAVE ALREADY MADE A SERIES OF COMMITMENTS TO ATTAIN global nutrition targets by 2025 (Panel 2.1). For maternal, infant, and young child nutrition, the 2012 World Health Assembly (WHA) set six targets for 2025. The Global Nutrition Report tracks five of these.1 The WHA also agreed on nine noncommunicable disease (NCD) targets, one of which—“Halt the rise in diabetes and obesity”—is tracked in this report via three indicators.