Stakeholder consultations

  • Date of submission

    This Technology Transfer Advances Uganda's


  • Knowledge partner
    Knowledge partner
    Country of registration
    Relation to CTCN
    Network Member
    Knowledge Partner
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Renewable energy
    Energy efficiency

    REN21 is a global renewable energy policy network that connects a wide range of key stakeholders to facilitate knowledge exchange, policy development and joint action towards a rapid global transition to renewable energy. The REN21 Secretariat is located in Paris, France.

  • Knowledge partner
    Knowledge partner
    Country of registration
    United Kingdom
    Relation to CTCN
    Network Member
    Knowledge Partner
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Early warning and Environmental assessment
    Renewable energy
    Energy efficiency

    Practical Action Consulting (PAC) is the consulting arm of Practical Action, an international non-governmental organisation that uses technology to challenge poverty in developing countries.

  • Knowledge partner
    Country of registration
    Relation to CTCN
    TA proponent

    The East African Community has designated Lake Victoria and its Basin as an "area of common economic interest" and a "regional economic growth zone" to be developed jointly by the Partner States.

  • Publication date

    The report is intended to provide context and analysis for addressing agriculture in international climate negotiations, with the aim of helping to inform climate negotiators and other stakeholders by identifying options and unpacking issues of interest, and not to express opinions or be prescriptive in any way. The report will focus on agricultural production and food security, early action opportunities, trade, finance, technology transfer and capacity building and performance and benefits measurement.

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    In the introduction to this publication, ENERGIA policy advisor and editor of this pubication Gail Karlsson writes, “In many developing countries, especially in the poorest areas, most energy currently comes from traditional biomass fuels such as wood, charcoal and agricultural wastes - and collection and managing these fuels is strictly ‘women’s business’.” She calls on national energy and development policy-makers to acknowledge the links between women’s work, national economics and energy; as well as make more gender-focused investments and initiatives, with greater and more diverse invo

  • Publication date

    This paper presents an assessment of climate risks from the existing climate as well as from a range of scenarios. It assesses the expected annual loss to economies from existing climate patterns, a projection of the extent to which future economic growth will put greater value at risk, and the incremental loss that could occur over a twenty-year period under a range of climate change scenarios based on the latest scientific knowledge.

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    Participatory scenario development (PSD) is a process that involves the participation of stakeholders to explore the future in a creative and policy-relevant way. The International Institute for Sustainable Development designed and implemented two sets of PSD workshops in Mozambique, Ghana, and Bangladesh and remote assisted workshops in Ethiopia. As a result, this report presents the findings on approaches for identifying pro-poor climate-change adaptation options.The report makes the following recommendations for pro-poor adaptation in workshop countries:

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    This paper explores the relationship between development goals and tackling human-made climate change. It discusses the application of a development impact assessment (DIA) visual through three country case studies in Ghana, Kenya and Montenegro. The DIA links an action’s development impacts with its mitigation potential and cost, in order to provide a more comprehensive basis for decision making and communication, as compared to mitigation analysis using marginal abatement cost curves alone.