
  • Knowledge partner
    Country of registration
    Relation to CTCN
    Network Member
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Carbon fixation and abatement
    Coastal zones
    Renewable energy
    Infrastructure and Urban planning
    Waste management

    Gómez-Acebo & Pombo (GA_P) is an Iberian Law Firm located in Spain, USA, UK, Portugal and Belgium.

  • Knowledge partner
    Country of registration
    Relation to CTCN
    Network Member
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Early warning and Environmental assessment
    Renewable energy
    Energy efficiency
    Waste management

    PUCV has expertise in the areas of clean production, sustainable development, mitigation technologies and renewable energy project design and implementation.

  • Publication date

    TO BE EFFECTIVE, COMMITMENTS TO ACTION MUST BE IMPLEMENTED AND ENFORCED. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICIES AND INTERVENTIONS DEPENDS on converting political commitment to practical action. How are governments and other stakeholders doing in implementing policies and interventions that reflect commitment?

  • Publication date

    Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) is an essential component of irrigation water management due to it being a basic input for estimating crop water requirements. A new alternative approach called MA + LSE based on the Makkink-Advection (MAK-Adv) equation in combination with remotely sensed solar radiation and a numerical weather forecast of near surface air temperature has provided good estimates of ETo under different weather conditions in a semi-arid region located in Southern Spain, without requiring local meteorological data.

  • Publication date

    This paper assessed the economics of investing in suspended shade-cloth covers (SSCCs) in agricultural water reservoirs (AWRs) to reduce evaporation losses and save water for irrigation in arid and semi-arid areas. In particular, authors examine the use of SSCCs in the Segura River Basin (southeastern Spain). The decision to install a cover depends on the potential evaporation losses, reservoir characteristics, cover effectiveness, the value of water, filtration requirements, water salinity, government subsidies and the installation, operation and maintenance costs.

  • Publication date

    The Ibero-American Model Forest Network (RIABM) aims to be a regional benchmark for the sustainable management of forest-based landscapes. It promotes cooperation among model forests, institutions and member countries based on knowledge exchange and innovative experiences and contributes to public policies related to the sustainable management of natural resources. It is the first voluntary regional organization to be created that brings together 14 countries and 28 model forests in Central and South America, the Caribbean and Spain to share knowledge and experiences.

  • Publication date

    Based on published data for Austria, Hungary, the Philippines, South Africa, Spain and the United Kingdom, this article investigates long-term trends in aboveground human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) and discusses the relationships between population, economic growth, changes in biomass use and land-use intensity and their influences on national HANPP trajectories.

  • Publication date

    This guideline describes the way in which Bayesian networks can be used to facilitate water resource decision making and improve the stakeholder engagement process. To reverse the water shortage and scarcity due to the variable and climate changing, the experience of four case studies (United Kingdom, Spain, Denmark and Italy) show clearly that the Bns can permits to assess impacts of many different strategies and / or scenarios to be assessed in a short time and different scale of water management can be addressed simultaneously.