This Technology Transfer Advances Southern African Countries'
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC's) to achieve GHG emission reduction by increasing energy efficiency in various sectors and thus contributing to a mitigation of climate change and its impacts.
Nationally Determined Contribution to build the necessary institutional capacity for climate change response planning and implementation for the period 2020 to 2030.
Nationally Determined Contribution to transform climate mitigation efforts from a “deviation from business-as-usual” form of commitment to take the form of a peak, plateau and decline GHG emissions trajectory range.
The Copenhagen climate change conference set for December 2009 is one of the most significant negotiations since the agreement in Kyoto. Ahead of the conference, South Africa has pursued an active role, indicating its willingness to undertake further responsibility. Drawing on Robert Putnam’s metaphor of the two-level game, the analysis considers the challenges facing South Africa in balancing domestic priorities with growing international pressure to reduce carbon emissions.
The CTCN Forum was an occasion to develop and strengthen the regional network of NDEs and their relationship with other technology stakeholders, with a view to identify matchmaking opportunities to CTCN requests or other climate technology activities. Participants dioscussed the Paris Outcome in relation to Technology Transfer and Technology Mechanism, linkages between the Technology and Finance Mechanism; as well as shared experiences on set up and activities of NDEs at national level and use of CTCN Technical Assistance.
The CTCN hosted a Regional Forum for National Designated Entities under the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) from West Asia. The Forum was held on 3-4 April 2016 in Cairo, Egypt.
The CTCN Forum was an occasion to develop and strengthen the regional network of NDEs and their relationship with other technology stakeholders, with a view to identify matchmaking opportunities to secure funding for follow-up actions to CTCN requests or other climate technology activities.
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is looking for member of the CTCN Network that can provide technical services related to GHG emissions reduction in the cement industry in South Africa.