Traditional methods of food drying is to place the foodstuffs in the sun in the open air. This method, called sun drying, is effective for small amounts of food. The area needed for sun drying expands with food quantity and since the food is placed in the open air, it is easily contaminated. Therefore, one major reason why sun drying is not easily performed with larger quantities of food is that the monitoring and overview becomes increasingly more difficult with increasing food quantities.
Solar dryer
Publication dateObjectiveSectorsApproach
Description of the project
Publication dateObjectiveSectorsApproach
Description of the project: India produces large quantities of fruits and vegetables, but more than 50% of this is wasted. The project aims to: 1) demonstrate the commercial viability of solar drying of fruits, vegetables and condiments, and convert them into profitable products on a micro enterprise scale; 2) equip rural poor women with solar dryers and train them on proper use. Sthree Sakthi Mahila Samajam installed solar powered air dryers in 2017 under the Socio-Economic Program of AIWC.
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountryKenya
Kenya lies along the equator and receives enough sunshine during the year. There is potential for applying solar dryers to dry cereals such as maize, wheat and rice after harvesting. These cereals are widely grown in the country both by small households and in large farms.
Status of technology in country
In Kenya, GIZ has played a key role in introducing the technology. Most of the work was with simple direct, lowest cost type solar dryers. Such "simple" designs use frames made of wood, inside which screen trays are laid. A UV resistant plastic film is used as a cover.
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCross-sectoral enablerCountryKiribati
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountryKenya
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountryKenya
The main economic activity in Kenya is agriculture that includes production of cereals mainly maize, wheat, rice, sorghum, millet and other produce such as beans, peas, vegetable and fruits etc. The export market is dominated by tea, coffee and horticultural products.
Publication dateSectors
This dryer is a mud brick construction built close to the ground using low-cost materials for all its parts. Practical Action Nepal has promoted this type of dryer in remote parts of the country. The solar dryer was a popular introduction because of its effectiveness, economic viability, simplicity and hygienic practice.
Banana chips are a snack food similar to potato chips. This Brief explores what a banana chips project might look like as an income-generating activity.