Soil moisture monitoring is critical for managing water resources in an efficient manner. This applies to both irrigated and rainfed cropping systems. Water is increasingly becoming the most limiting resource needed to meet the food and fiber needs of a growing and more affluent population. Soil moisture monitoring can e.g. be used as a tool to assist irrigation scheduling. Irrigation management gives better crops, using fewer inputs, which increases profitability. Soil moisture sensors help with irrigation decisions.
Soil moisture monitoring
Background: Traditionally time-consuming lab-centered routines that are based on raster sampling and wet chemical analysis are utilized for a comprehensive physicochemical soil analysis. However these methods are time consuming and highly expensive and thus not practical nor convenient for the mapping of soil properties over large areas.
Type of National planObjectiveAdaptationSectorsCountryMoldova
Researchers at Purdue University have developed an instrument/software that allows remote sensing of surface soil moisture from an airborne instrument using reflective electromagnetic radiation. This can provide the most efficient method to collect measurements and survey an entire field with high spatial density in a short period of time. It makes use of lower-frequency signals which are required to penetrate the soil. Resolution is determined only by the frequency of the signal, under the assumption of a near-specular reflection, not the antenna size.