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  • Knowledge partner
    Country of registration
    Relation to CTCN
    Network Member
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Energy efficiency
    Early warning and Environmental assessment

    LDK Consultants has been providing business and governments with specialist advice and consulting services since 1968. LDK operates worldwide from its offices in Greece, Romania, Cyprus, Belgium, Serbia and Kenya offering consultancy and engineering services to clients in over 70 countries.

  • Knowledge partner
    Country of registration
    Relation to CTCN
    Network Member
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Renewable energy
    Energy efficiency

    The NCSPC is an NGO established with the aim to promote eco-efficiency in particular RECP.

  • Publication date

    The role of women in environmental decision-making has yet to be properly evaluated. This publication reports on the regional seminar and project ?Gender Mainstreaming Policy into the Framework of 'Environment for Europe' Process". It highlights the problem of women's access to and control over resources ignored by the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), and the lack of attention given to gender issues in the UN Economic Commission for Europe.

  • Publication date

    This report, 'energy efficiency: lessons learned from success stories' is designed to identify energy efficiency policies that were implemented in countries that successfully decreased their energy intensity. 

    The study analyzes the energy efficiency policies in seven successful European Union countries: Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Sweden.

    The country case studies indicate that policy implementation evolves, reflecting such issues as institutional capacity and affordability. 

    [Extract from report]

  • Coal Fired Steam Boiler equivalent to 20MW is heating the new Beijing airport area. The boiler is emitting 107000 Nm3/hr of flue gases which are treated by using Lextran Technology. 25MW Electricity Production Unit in CET IASI 1 in Romania is fired by heavy fuel/natural gas. The unit is equipped with Lextran system to treat SOx and NOx.

  • Publication date

    The 193 individual country profiles capture the status and progress of all UN Member States, and the 80+ indicators include a wealth of information on child, adolescent and adult anthropometry and nutritional status, in addition to intervention coverage, food supply, economics, and demography. This tool is particularly useful for nutrition champions at the country-level, as it presents a wide range of evidence needed to assess country progress in improving nutrition and nutrition-related outcomes.

  • Publication date

    In order to further improve the water systems in the Romanian capital, Ramboll has been assigned to develop a master plan with recommendations for future investments in water supply, sewerage and climate adaptation.

    Apa Nova Bucuresti, the concessionaire of the public water supply and sewerage services in Bucharest, wants to make the city's water systems even more efficient and sustainable. To obtain this goal, they have engaged Ramboll to make a comprehensive master plan for a large geographical area covering the city center and a suburban area.