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Permeable parking lots
Date of submissionPhaseCompletedCountriesObjectiveSectorsCross-sectoral enablerApproach
Publication dateObjectiveCross-sectoral enabler
Over the past three decades, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has promoted the mainstreaming of resource efficiency and cleaner production in industries and industrial parks located in developing and emerging economies, through pilot demonstrations as well as global knowledge and dissemination projects
An important way to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that transport produces is to encourage and enable people to travel less. People travel less overall when they switch from private vehicles to public transport, walking or cycling, for reasons that will be explained. They travel less if their work is closer; if shops, health services and education are closer; and if family, friends and leisure activities are as well. They travel less if several purposes of travel can be covered in one trip, which is more likely if the places they need to visit are closer.
Publication dateObjectiveCross-sectoral enabler
The National Designated Entity (NDE) of Tunisia organized a national event to raise awareness about the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) at the national level and to identify technical assistance request ides to facilitate the implementation of Tunisia’s Nationally Det
Publication dateObjectiveSectors
According to this study, a range of land management practices is available to help improve green water use efficiency. These practises can be classified according to their function. Hedgerow barriers and terraces can mitigate runoff; infiltration rates below hedgerows in Kenya were found to be three to eight times higher than where the crop was grown. Mulch that triggers soil fauna can improve water availability; mulching with straw from a local perennial grass in Burkina Faso doubled the water use efficiency from 1 kg mm-1 without fauna to 2 kg mm-1 with fauna.
The bulk of the paper, however, comes from interviews with government officials, NGO employees, and community members, conducted in Peru during June, July and August 2011. Some of these interviews are cited in the text, while others provided background information. Two site visits to the Potato Park and Asociacion Andina Cuscichaca also offered valuable insights.
Publication dateObjective
This report uses case studies conducted in Asian and Latin American cities to explore how urban transport policies and programmes could be developed as supported Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs). The report covers issues related to the scope, institutional involvement, financing and monitoring of NAMAs:
Publication dateObjective
The proposed Mt Kitanglad Range forest-carbon development project aims to allow participation in the carbon market by increasing the permanent forest cover of the Mt Kitanglad Range National Park (’the Park’) by reforesting the grassland areas within its buffer zone. The project will enhance the ecological services of the Park while promoting socio-economic development activities for the forest occupants who depend on marginal agricultural cultivation within the Park. The project proposes an agroforestation scheme on 300.34 hectare as a carbon forestry project initiative.