This article presents readers with the option of retaining three-wheeler taxis – with attention to better technology, maintenance and regulation – on the grounds that they perform a valuable role in the localities where they exist, and if they were removed the vehicles and travel practices that replaced them would produce increased congestion, road injuries and fatalities, air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. On these grounds, localities that do not have three-wheeler taxis might even consider introducing newer, cleaner-technology versions of them.
Oil to LPG
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountrySri Lanka
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountrySudan
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountryArgentina
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountrySudan
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountryCosta Rica
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountryZambia