Kyrgyz Republic will reduce GHG emissions in the range of 11.49 - 13.75% below BAU in 2030. Additionally, under the international support Kyrgyz Republic could implement the mitigation measures to achieve total reduction in the range of 29.00 - 30.89% below BAU in 2030. Kyrgyz Republic will reduce GHG emissions in the range of 12.67 - 15.69% below BAU in 2050. Additionally, under the international support Kyrgyz Republic could implement the mitigation measures to achieve total reduction in the range of 35.06 - 36.75% below BAU in 2050. The INDC also includes Adaptation contribution.
NF3 reduction
Type of National planCountryKyrgyzstan
Type of National planCountryGabon
. Gabon commits to reduce GHG emissions by at least 50 percent from baseline scenario emissions in 2025. The commitment could be extended to 2030 and 2050 based on additional studies that will be carried out by COP21. The commitment is to be achieved excluding carbon stocks from forests from the target. Gabon also submitted annexes describing land-use change, flaring from the oil industry, energy, other GHG emissions such as waste, adaptation, and financing. Au moins 50% de réduction des émissions par rapport au scénario de développement non maîtrisé en 2025.
Type of National planCountryJapan
Japan’s INDC towards post-2020 GHG emission reductions is at the level of a reduction of 26.0% by fiscal year (FY) 2030 compared to FY 2013 (25.4% reduction compared to FY 2005) (approximately 1.042 billion t-CO2 eq. as 2030 emissions), ensuring consistency with its energy mix, set as a feasible reduction target by bottom-up calculation with concrete policies, measures and individual technologies taking into adequate consideration, inter alia, technological and cost constraints, and set based on the amount of domestic emission reductions and removals assumed to be obtained.
Type of National planCountryMonaco
With a view to the adoption of a legally binding agreement in Paris in December 2015, the Principality of Monaco wishes to contribute to the joint effort by adopting a target to reduce its emissions by 50% by 2030, compared with the reference year of 1990(1).(1)The reference year is 1990 for CO2, CH4 and N2O. For fluorinated gases (including NF3), the reference year is 1995.
Type of National planCountryRussia
Limiting anthropogenic greenhouse gases in Russia to 70-75% of 1990 levels by the year 2030 might be a long-term indicator, subject to the maximum possible account of absorbing capacity of forests.
Publication dateObjectiveSectors
This report provides IPCC guidelines to countries on how to estimate and report to the UNFCCC their FFC emissions from semiconductors in their greenhouse gas inventories. Six fully fluorinated compounds and one hydrofluorocarbon are widely used by the semiconductor industry: CF4, C2F6, C3F8, c-C4F8, SF6, NF3 and CHF3. Collectively, these gases are termed as FFCs. The report provides guidelines on how to estimate the FFC uses in the semiconductor sector at factory, national levels and third-party verification and the various challenges and how to address them.