Human activities such as fossil fuel burning and deforestation have significantly increased the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) leading to global climate change. Global climate change and its associated weather extremes pose considerable challenges worldwide, and mitigating the adverse impacts of climate change is a high priority for the international community. To reduce global emissions and curb the threat of climate change, many countries are participating in carbon trading.
Natural gas combined cycle plants
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Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountryBangladesh
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountryBangladesh
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountryBangladesh
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountryBangladesh
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountryBangladesh
Fuel switching, or the replacement of fossil fuels with a high carbon content with low-carbon fuels, is one of the principal methods suggested to reduce CO2 emissions from energy consumption in the near future. Since natural gas has a lower carbon content than coal or oil, switching from coal to gas as the primary fuel for electricity generation can result in a 50% reduction of CO2 emissions per kWh