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As from June 2006.


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    En vísperas de entrar en la era post 2015 de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ods), el mundo debe hacer frente a problemas aparentemente inextricables. La malnutrición no debería estar entre ellos. Los países que están determinados a alcanzar rápidos avances en la reducción de la malnutrición pueden hacerlo, pues los incentivos para mejorar en este campo son fuertes. Una buena nutrición es el fundamento vital para el desarrollo del ser humano y esencial para alcanzar su máximo potencial.

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    ÀMEDIDA QUE ENTRAMOS NA ERA PÓS-2015 DOS OBJETIVOS DE DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTÁVEL (ODSS), O MUNDO ENFRENTA INÚMEROS DESAFIOS APARENTEMENTE insuperáveis. A desnutrição não deveria ser um deles. Os países determinados a realizar rápidos avanços na redução da desnutrição podem fazê-lo. Se os governos desejam atingir a meta de ODS de erradicar todas as formas de desnutrição até 2030, eles precisam ter trajetórias claras para seguir. Existem muitas alavancas a se ativar, e este relatório oferece vários exemplos de países que conseguiram realizar isto.

  • Publication date

    En vísperas de entrar en la era post 2015 de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ods), el mundo debe hacer frente a problemas aparentemente inextricables. La malnutrición no debería estar entre ellos. Los países que están determinados a alcanzar rápidos avances en la reducción de la malnutrición pueden hacerlo, pues los incentivos para mejorar en este campo son fuertes. Una buena nutrición es el fundamento vital para el desarrollo del ser humano y esencial para alcanzar su máximo potencial.

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    À medida que avançamos para a era pós-2015 dos Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável (sdgs), o mundo enfrenta Inúmeros problemas aparentemente irremediáveis. A desnutrição não deve ser um deles. Os países que estiverem determinados a realizer rápidos avanços na redução da desnutrição podem conseguir fazê-los, e os incentivos para a melhoria da nutrição são fortes. A boa nutrição proporciona uma base vital para o desenvolvimento humano, central para alcançarmos nosso pleno potencial.

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    TO BE EFFECTIVE, COMMITMENTS TO ACTION MUST BE IMPLEMENTED AND ENFORCED. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICIES AND INTERVENTIONS DEPENDS on converting political commitment to practical action. How are governments and other stakeholders doing in implementing policies and interventions that reflect commitment?

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    Few challenges facing the global community today match the scale of malnutrition, a condition that directly affects 1 in 3 people. Malnutrition manifests itself in many different ways: as poor child growth and development; as individuals who are skin and bone or prone to infection; as those who are carrying too much weight or whose blood contains too much sugar, salt, fat, or cholesterol; or those who are deficient in important vitamins or minerals.

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    As we move into the post-2015 era of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the world faces many seemingly intractable problems. Malnutrition should not be one of them. Countries that are determined to make rapid advances in malnutrition reduction can do so, and the incentives to improve nutrition are strong. Good nutrition provides a vital foundation for human development, central to meeting our full potential. When nutrition status improves, it leads to a host of positive outcomes for individuals and families.

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    AS DISCUSSED IN CHAPTER 1, SETTING TARGETS IS ONE MANIFESTATION OF POLITICAL COMMITMENT. COUNTRIES HAVE ALREADY MADE A SERIES OF COMMITMENTS TO ATTAIN global nutrition targets by 2025 (Panel 2.1). For maternal, infant, and young child nutrition, the 2012 World Health Assembly (WHA) set six targets for 2025. The Global Nutrition Report tracks five of these.1 The WHA also agreed on nine noncommunicable disease (NCD) targets, one of which—“Halt the rise in diabetes and obesity”—is tracked in this report via three indicators.

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    - Europe/Copenhagen

    The CTCN Forum will be an occasion to develop and strengthen the regional network of NDEs and their relationship with other technology stakeholders, with a view to identify matchmaking opportunities to secure funding for follow-up actions to CTCN requests or other climate technology activities.

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    This paper explores the relationship between development goals and tackling human-made climate change. It discusses the application of a development impact assessment (DIA) visual through three country case studies in Ghana, Kenya and Montenegro. The DIA links an action’s development impacts with its mitigation potential and cost, in order to provide a more comprehensive basis for decision making and communication, as compared to mitigation analysis using marginal abatement cost curves alone.