The modal split for freight transport varies greatly by region, and is largely determined by geographical and economic factors. However there is a common trend towards more use of road transport, at the expense of rail and water transport. The latter modes have a substantially better environmental profile, but are limited by longer delivery times and the necessity of pre- and post-haulage by truck, i.e. inter-modal transport. In the logistic chain used nowadays, there are small local stocks and fast on demand delivery is required.
Maritime freight
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The objective of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Sustainable Transport and Air Quality Project for Brazil is to assist the selected agencies to: (i) reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions growth rates by fostering a long term increase in the promotion of less energy intensive transport modes; and (ii) promote the implementation of policies and regulatory frameworks that foster the development of sustainable transport systems. There are six components to the project, the first component being freight transport.
Publication dateSectors
The objective of the Sustainable Transport and Air Quality Project for Mexico is to assist the selected municipalities to: (i) reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions growth rates by fostering long term increases in the use of less energy intensive transport modes; and (ii) induce policy changes in favor of sustainable transport projects. There are five components to the project. The first component of the project is freight management. This component will improve the planning, management, and control of freight transport in Ciudad Juarez.
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountryMoldova
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountrySri Lanka
Publication dateObjectiveSectors
A highly efficient use of energy is thus fundamental to limit GHG emissions. Yet, energy efficiency receives much less attention than the decarbonization of the energy supply.