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Leakage management in piped systems

  • Date of submission

    This Technology Transfer Advances Grenada's

    • Nationally Determined Contribution and its third adaptation priority of improving water resource management, stating that "the management of water resources, like that of the coastal environment is crucial to the long term development of Grenada as a nation". 


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    The UNFCCC Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Initiative (WIPO), the Northeast Water Innovation Network (NEWIN), and InvenTrust are inviting to join an innovation competition to address two key challenges, essential in pathways to a global, safe, and sustainable future:

    • Energy Efficient Water Desalination

    • Eliminating Leakage in Water Distribution

  • Tamar Technological Development r seals eliminate leakages in the main factories in Israel and were successfully installed in .USA Italy Brazil and Netherlands. The new MTZ shaft sealing technology has been introduced by Tamar Technologies This product is especially effective in sealing pumpage with particulates as well as for clear liquids It has application for pumps mixers agitators ribbon blenders and fans in addition to sealing shafts for dry powder handling. The Tamar Seal is analogous to a double mechanical seal that uses a flexible sealant as a barrier fluid.

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    Country of registration
    Relation to CTCN
    Network Member
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Renewable energy
    Waste management

    CONSULAQUA Hamburg is a 100% subsidiary of HAMBURG WASSER, Northern Germany's largest public water supply and wastewater disposal company, and provides advanced expertise and long term experience for all kinds of capacity development challenges, consultancy and engineering tasks in the water sect

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    The proposed hierarchy of production forest management provides a modus operandi for forest concessions to move incrementally towards sustainable forest management via reduced-impact logging (RIL) and forest certification. RIL carbon registration components consist of developing a credible baseline, additionality and leakage arguments around the business-as-usual scenario by quantifying historical forest inventory and production records, forest infrastructure records and damage to the residual forest.

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    This paper assesses quantification methods for carbon leakage from forestry activities for their suitability in leakage accounting in a future Reducing Emissions from the Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) mechanism. Results show that leakage methods can be grouped into nine main methodological approaches, six of which could fulfill the recommended REDD leakage requirements if approaches to primary and secondary leakage are combined. The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) is the only carbon accounting standard that fulfills all leakage quantification requisites in REDD.

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    Numerous political statements by the world leaders on the urgency of reaching an ambitious climate deal in Copenhagen notwithstanding, the actual discussions at the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) continue to be shrouded by daunting North-South divide, dimming the hope of sealing a deal in December 2009. The negotiating climate has been further queered by the European Union (EU) and the United States (US), which have, in the recent past, made attempts to include certain unilateral trade measures in their domestic climate change regimes.

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    This article argues that the delay in combating climate change is attributable to various factors, including polarised interests among nations. However, the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer has managed to balance and reconcile the interests of both southern and northern countries towards a common goal. Although differences exist, lessons from the ozone depletion regime can inform the climate regime and enhance the participation of developing nations without adversely affecting their interests.

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    The European Union (EU) aims to take a lead in combating climate change and, as such, experiences a higher intensity of carbon leakage and competitiveness concerns. The EU is, however, an important export market for many developing countries, and BCAs implemented by the EU could therefore have a large impact on these countries.