The development objective of the Methane Recovery from Waste Management Project for Philippines is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from participating sites. The project comprises of three components. The first component, piggery wastewater biogas systems will provide carbon finance to piggeries that adopt wastewater systems to collect and combust the methane that will otherwise, under common practice or conventional technology, be emitted into the atmosphere.
Landfill gas flaring
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Nigeria faces a lot of environmental problems such as extensive gas flaring, deforestation, and desertification with serious consequences on climate change. How are these issues covered and framed by Nigerian newspapers? Content analysis of systematically sampled, 438 issues from 4380 issues of four purposively selected dailies between 2007 and 2009 shows dominance of climate politics/economics issues (61.2%), foreign sourcing of reports (63.4%), straight news formatting of reports (83.6%) and framing in terms of mitigation (55.2%).
Publication dateObjectiveApproach
Litigation (legal action) for justice over climate change is an immense global issue which is likely to increase in the future. The complexities of legal systems are a disadvantage for poor communities, who often suffer the most serious impacts of climate change. Is it worth these people going to court over climate change?To
date, there are about 17 different climate legal initiatives underway, in both
developed and developing countries. The most recent cases have involved human
rights issues, addressing both causes of climate change and the impacts. Judgments -
Type of National planCountryOman
Oman will control its expected GHG emissions growth by 2% (below BAU) to be 88714 Gg (in 2030) during the period from 2020 - 2030 as depicted in the following chart. See INDC for the chart Total GHG Emission Outturn and Projections (1995-2030). The INDC also includes an adaptation contribution
Type of National planCountryGabon
. Gabon commits to reduce GHG emissions by at least 50 percent from baseline scenario emissions in 2025. The commitment could be extended to 2030 and 2050 based on additional studies that will be carried out by COP21. The commitment is to be achieved excluding carbon stocks from forests from the target. Gabon also submitted annexes describing land-use change, flaring from the oil industry, energy, other GHG emissions such as waste, adaptation, and financing. Au moins 50% de réduction des émissions par rapport au scénario de développement non maîtrisé en 2025.