In the context of ECO Vision 2025, ECO Energy Strategy, ECO Clean Energy Corridors and the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centers (GN-SEC) Program, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), with the financial support of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), resolved on assisting the ECO Member States in the establishment of the ECO Clean Energy Centre (CECECO). ECO Member States include: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kaz
Publication dateObjectiveSectors
Publication dateObjectiveCross-sectoral enabler
Climate experts from Central Asia and Eastern Europe met in Tbilisi to discuss collaboration and technology transfer. Representatives from government, private sector, finance and research institutions gathered in Tbilisi, Georgia, 30 May – 1 June. The Deputy Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia Ms. Ekaterine Grigalava welcomed the participants.
Publication date
In addition to global events and food policy changes, 2015 also saw important developments with potentially wide repercussions in individual countries and regions. This chapter offers perspectives on major food policy developments across the major regions: Africa, the Middle East and North Africa, Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean.
Publication date
À l’aube de l’ère post-2015 des Objectifs de Développement Durable (odd), le monde est Confronté à de nombreux problèmes apparemment insolubles. La malnutrition ne devrait pas en faire partie. Les pays déterminés à faire des progrès rapides dans la réduction de la malnutrition peuvent y parvenir, et les incitations à améliorer la nutrition sont fortes. Une bonne nutrition constitue un fondement essentiel du développement humain, primordial pour la réalisation de tout notre potentiel.
Publication dateObjectiveApproach
The role of women in environmental decision-making has yet to be properly evaluated. This publication reports on the regional seminar and project ?Gender Mainstreaming Policy into the Framework of 'Environment for Europe' Process". It highlights the problem of women's access to and control over resources ignored by the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), and the lack of attention given to gender issues in the UN Economic Commission for Europe.
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Regional Forum in Kazakhstan on 15 June will explore additional technology opportunities for public and private sectors in the region
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This article analyses possible domestic emissions trading systems (ETS) for six developing countries: Brazil, China, India, Kazakhstan, Mexico, and South Korea. It also analyses the prospects of linking the developing countries to existing trading systems, in order to establish a harmonised international carbon market. It notes that the outlook of ETS differs from country to country. Brazil has established a stock exchange for voluntary carbon units which may precede a domestic trading scheme.
Type of National planCountryKazakhstan
The Republic of Kazakhstan intends to achieve an economy-wide target of 15% (unconditional target) - 25% (conditional target) reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990.
Type of National planObjectiveAdaptationSectorsCountryMongolia