, is a major Israeli irrigation equipment manufacturers Factory Outlet Store. It is an Israeli Irrigation Company, with over 30 years of expertise in Irrigation Projects, Equipment, Consulting and Marketing worldwide. Irrigation Global will assist the Irrigation Consumers, to choose and purchase the best irrigation Equipment available on-line. Their team of Irrigation Experts will assist the costumer in composing a complete irrigation system. Irrigation planning services are also available.
Irrigation efficiency and information systems
Publication dateObjectiveSectors
This study explores the potential of using short-term weather forecasts to increase irrigation efficiency in rice cultivation, as a potential adaptation option to future climate change. The agro-hydrological model SWAP (Soil Water Plant Atmosphere) revealed that basing the decision to irrigate rice on short-term weather forecasts could reduce average water application by 27% when 5-day perfect rainfall forecasts were used.
Publication dateObjective
Draft prepared by the Ministry of Water Resources. It estimates that currently about 83 percent of developed water resources is used by Irrigation sector alone in our country. This may get progressively reduced to about 75 percent in future, due to increased demand of other sectors. The overall efficiency in most irrigation systems is low and in the range of 35 percent to 40 percent.
Publication dateObjectiveSectorsApproach
This report addresses the potential scale and geography of climate change in order to identify which populations and areas will be most affected and to help policy makers facilitate adaptation. The research uses computer modelling based on a pessimistic, optimistic and baseline middle ground projection of income and population growth, each combined with four possible climate change scenarios of varying severity and a fifth perfect mitigation scenario, i.e. a continuation of today's climate.
Type of National planObjectiveAdaptationSectorsCountryEcuador