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  • Type of National plan

    Despite the difficult challenges, the Government of Iraq has laid out an economy-wide plan to reduce GHGs emission by around 14% from the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario over the period 2020 until 2035. The graph in the document below illustrates that the INDC of Iraq presents two conditional scenarios for that aforementioned emission reduction plan; 

  • Publication date

    This 2014–2015 Global Food Policy Report is the fourth in an annual series that provides a comprehensive overview of major food policy developments and events. In this report, distinguished researchers, policymakers, and practitioners review what happened in food policy in 2014 at the global, regional, and national levels, and—supported by the latest knowledge and research—explain why. This year’s report is the first to also look forward a year, offering analysis of the potential opportunities and challenges that we will face in achieving food and nutrition security in 2015.

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    Alors qu’il ne reste plus qu’une année avant la date d’échéance de la réalisation des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement, l’Indice de la faim dans le monde 2014 (GHI) offre une analyse multidimensionnelle de la faim et présente de nouvelles données permettant d’alimenter le débat mondial sur la question de savoir où concentrer les efforts dans la lutte contre la faim et la malnutrition. Selon le GHI 2014, les niveaux de faim dans les pays en développement pris dans leur ensemble se sont améliorés depuis 1990, diminuant de 39%.

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    With one more year before the 2015 deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals, the 2014 Global Hunger Index report offers a multifaceted overview of global hunger that brings new insights to the global debate on where to focus efforts in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. The state of hunger in developing countries as a group has improved since 1990, falling by 39 percent, according to the 2014 GHI.

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    En vísperas de entrar en la era post 2015 de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ods), el mundo debe hacer frente a problemas aparentemente inextricables. La malnutrición no debería estar entre ellos. Los países que están determinados a alcanzar rápidos avances en la reducción de la malnutrición pueden hacerlo, pues los incentivos para mejorar en este campo son fuertes. Una buena nutrición es el fundamento vital para el desarrollo del ser humano y esencial para alcanzar su máximo potencial.

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    The year 2014 saw mixed results for food and nutrition security: some countries made headway on policies to cut hunger, while in other countries conflict and health crises took a heavy human toll. Much of the year’s discourse focused on potential priorities for the future global development agenda.

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    The 193 individual country profiles capture the status and progress of all UN Member States, and the 80+ indicators include a wealth of information on child, adolescent and adult anthropometry and nutritional status, in addition to intervention coverage, food supply, economics, and demography. This tool is particularly useful for nutrition champions at the country-level, as it presents a wide range of evidence needed to assess country progress in improving nutrition and nutrition-related outcomes.

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    A un anno dalla scadenza per il raggiungimento degli Obiettivi di Sviluppo del Millennio, fissata nel 2015, l’Indice Globale della Fame 2014 offre una prospettiva articolata del problema della fame nel mondo, che porta nuovi spunti al dibattito mondiale rispetto a dove concentrare gli sforzi nella lotta contro la fame e la malnutrizione. Secondo il GHI 2014, lo stato della fame nei Paesi in via di sviluppo è complessivamente migliorato in confronto al 1990, con un calo del 39%.

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    The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is based on three equally weighted indicators: > Undernourishment: the proportion of undernourished people as a percentage of the population (reflecting the share of the population with insufficient caloric intake); > Child underweight: the proportion of children younger than age five who are underweight (that is, have low weight for their age, reflecting wasting, stunted growth, or both), which is one indicator of child undernutrition; and > Child mortality: the mortality rate of children younger than age five (partially reflecting the fatal synergy o

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    In this paper a methodology has been developed for optimum planning of hybrid PV, Wind and diesel generator system with some battery backup in Kirkuk Technical College in Iraq. The local solar radiation, wind data and components database from different manufactures are analyzed and simulated in HOMER model to assess the technical and economic viability of the integrated system. Performance of each component was evaluated and sensitivity analysis was performed to optimize the system at different conditions.