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    Cross-sectoral enabler

    To introduce an effective National Innovation System that fosters low-carbon and climate resilient economic development in Mozambique through endogenous innovation.


    Mozambique regularly experiences extreme weather events such as flooding, drought and cyclones. Natural disasters have repeatedly displaced tens of thousands of people. In facing the impact of climate change, innovation is seen as a relevant tool with a double benefit: To respond to the adverse effects of climate change, and to generate sustainable economic growth.

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    Sector(s) of expertise
    Energy efficiency
    Waste management

    Green Technology Bank (GTB) is a key initiative launched in 2016 by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (the Most) and the Municipal Government of Shanghai, which focuses on implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Climate Change Agreement.&nbsp

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    This study established that the government of Kenya and the private sector have heavily invested in ICT, especially in the provision of support infrastructure. However, information on levels of access to various networks, such wireless access and connections, was scanty and, therefore, needs further studies. It is clear that ICT is recognized as a major enabler in both national and sectoral policies and strategies.

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    Optic fibre infrastructure offers huge Internet broadband (IBB) capacities. However, Internet broadband penetration in Nigeria is still miserably low. For several factors, Internet access today in Nigeria is 99% by wireless mobile networks. There is a general absence of government’s nationwide direct investment in optic fibre cable infrastructure. Such investments in partnership with the private sector would have reduced retain end Internet access cost. By 2016, 93% of the urban respondents, 86% of the rural respondents and 89% of the full sample had access to mobile phones.

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    More than 5 billion people could suffer water shortages by 2050 due to climate change, Pincreased demand and polluted supplies, concluded the UN’s 2018 report on the state of the world’s water. The report focuses on the role that nature based-solutions can play in improving the supply and quality of water and reducing the impact of natural disasters. The same issue now tops the agenda at World Water Week in Stockholm

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    The scale and ambition of the Sustainable Development Goals demand a major shift in how development is done. Massive breakthroughs in innovation are required to truly Leave No One Behind and achieve the ambition of the 2030 Agenda. This requires “moon shots” – bold, visionary inventions and technological breakthroughs – as well as “puddle jumps”: important, incremental advances that support the most marginalized and ensure no one is left behind. This concept, coined by MIT’s Jason Prapas, is at the heart of how UNDP pursues innovation for development.

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    Sweden is well positioned to help the world meet the aims of the Paris Agreement. The country’s power system is almost entirely decarbonised already, based on extensive hydropower resources and nuclear power, as well as district heating fuelled by biomass. In 2017, the Swedish electricity production comprised around 40% hydropower, 39% nuclear, 11% wind power and 10% combined heat and power fueled predominantly by renewable sources.

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    Technological change is one of the key arms in our arsenal of weapons to combat climate change. A country’s capabilities to drive and enable this change thus take on a critical role. The implications of our ability to manage a climate technology transition are enormous: a recent study suggests that to keep the global rise in temperature to less than 2 °C, the additional cost of deploying energy technologies between 2016 and 2050 is USD 40 trillion (IEA, 2015).

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    Livestock plays a key role in the different facet of societal life in Africa. It principally serves as source of animal protein in the diet of the populace as well as source of materials for body wears such as waist belt, shoes, blanket etc. Livestock also plays a key role in the religious life of certain sects as object for sacrifice and worship. The small ruminant constitutes a major category of the livestock that are kept by many household and it serves as source of income for the household as well as occasional source of food.