Please see below for a description in French
Industrial solid waste
Date of submissionPhaseCompletedCountriesObjectiveSectors
Date of submissionPhaseCompletedCountriesObjective
This Technology Transfer Advances South Africa's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to transform climate mitigation efforts from a “deviation from business-as-usual” form of commitment to take the form of a peak, plateau and decline GHG emissions trajectory range.
Date of submissionPhaseCompletedCountriesObjectiveSectors
This Technology Transfer Advances Zimbabwe's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to reduce its GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions by 33% below the projected Business As Usual energy emissions per capita by 2030, as well as to promote efficient water use practises in various sectors of the economy.
Date of submissionPhaseCompletedCountriesObjectiveSectorsApproach
Please see below for description in French
Date of submissionPhaseCompletedCountriesObjectiveSectors
This Technology Transfer Advances Algeria's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to "reach 27% of electricity generated from renewable sources of energy by 2030".
Le contexte
L’Algérie a adopté en 2011 un vaste programme des énergies renouvelables et de l’efficacité énergétique (PEREE). Ce dernier, mis à jour en 2015, vise la production de 22.000 MW d’électricité d’origine renouvelable à l’horizon 2030, dont plus de 60% (13.575MW) serait d’origine solaire photovoltaïque (figure 1).
Date of submissionPhaseCompletedCountriesObjectiveSectors
This Technology Transfer Advances the Dominican Republic's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to reduce 25% of the Dominican Republic's base year greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.
Date of submissionPhaseCompletedCountriesObjectiveSectors
This Technology Transfer Advances Senegal's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to reduce emissions by up to 21% by 2030 relative to baseline projections.
Publication dateObjectiveSectors
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is implementing a Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded project entitled “Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emission in Industrial Sector through Pelletization Technology in Lao PDR” in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and the Ministry of Science and Technology Lao PDR. The goal of the project is to promote the production and usage of industrial grade solid bio-fuel (pellets) for replacing coal and wood.
Publication dateObjective
During COP23, the Centre provided country Parties and other stakeholders with a platform to discuss progress and trends in technology transfer in terms of bridging gaps between countries' technology planning and the innovators and financiers implementing technology solutions. Below, you'll find a selection of presentations from various CTCN events at COP23.