Gasification of waste

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    Sector(s) of expertise
    Agriculture and forestry
    Renewable energy

    Viresco Solutions is a consulting firm based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

  • Objective

    Thermal gasification of municipal solid waste (MSW) is a chemical process that generates a gaseous, fuel-rich product. This product can then be combusted in a boiler, producing steam for power generation. Just as with combustion of MSW, thermal MSW gasification does not necessarily compete with recycling programmes, but should be considered complementary in any generically constructed MSW plan.

  • Objective

    Alcohol burning stoves based on methanol can be used to supply a cooking service, water heating and heating of buildings. The technology can be applied in households, institutions (e.g. schools) and industries where it is used for boiler heating.

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    Knowledge Partner
    TA proponent
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Renewable energy
    Energy efficiency
    Waste management

    IIGE is a research institute that promotes development, innovation and transmission of technology focused on energy efficiency and renewable energy.

  • Knowledge partner
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    Knowledge Partner
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Renewable energy
    Energy efficiency
    Waste management

    The Global Environment Centre Foundation (GEC) is an entity that supports the UNEP’s International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC), based in Japan.

  • Publication date

    This article explains the basics of black liquor gasification in the pulp and paper industry. Black liquor, which accounts for most of the fuel consumed in Kraft mills, is usually combusted in recovery boilers to recover chemicals and to produce process steam and on-site electricity (via a steam turbine). The efficiency of such boilers is, however, low (around 65%-70%). Black liquor gasification is a process in which a clean synthesis gas (syngas) is produced from black liquor by converting its biomass content into a gaseous energy carrier.

  • Publication date

    The report profiles agencies whose technologies have been recognised by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India. It includes key agencies involved in various stages of the supply chain of biomass gasification for thermal and electrical end-uses, such as research and development, manufacturing, marketing and operation and maintenance.

  • Technology

    The concern about the effective use of the unused wood biomass from energy security or a perspective of CO2 reduction is increasing. The knowledge corresponding to the multi-energy supply which paired the biological oil manufacture technology from the woody biomass by rapid thermal cracking gasification and biological oil-ization is held. (The level of practical use is reached by joint research with a plant manufacturer.) In addition it owns the knowledge about the circulation and storage corresponding to the properties of biological oils flammability etc.

  • NCSU is licensing a novel metal oxides substrate for use in chemical looping combustion with superior activity and attrition. Background: Recent strategies to trap CO2 include chemical looping combustion or gasification (CLC or CLG). These processes utilize transition metal oxides to transfer oxygen from air or water to the combusting fuel thus converting into useful fuel resources. However for commercial scale applications it is imperative that these metal oxides be cost-effective with low attrition and possess high redox reactivity and structural/chemical stability.