Please see below for a description in French
Forest management techniques for mitigation
Date of submissionPhaseCompletedCountriesObjectiveSectors
Date of submissionPhaseCompletedCountriesObjectiveSectors
This Technology Transfer Advances Hondura's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to, through the 'Observatory for Sustainable Development and Climate Change recently created in the country, support the generation of information, knowledge management and periodic monitoring of climate indicators.
Date of submissionPhaseReviewCountriesObjectiveSectors
Le context
Date of submissionPhaseCompletedCountriesObjectiveSectorsCross-sectoral enablerApproach
This Technology Transfer Advances Côte d'Ivoire's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to "enhance the established enabling legal, policy and institutional environment for a low carbon emission development pathway to achieve poverty reduction and sustainable development".
Publication dateObjective
UNEP is organizing the first global Science‐Policy Forum in Nairobi, 19 -20 May 2016, as part of the overall programme for the second session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA‐2) 23‐27 May 2016.