Nationally Determined Contribution and its identified adaptation need to intensify and increase early warning systems for intense rains and floods, and to implement structural and non-structural measures to face extreme events.
Nationally Determined Contribution to develop climate resilient housing, and its recognition of water security as a key area for which to address the adverse impacts of climate change.
Nationally Designated Contribution and its priority adaptation action to "improve awareness, enhance rehabilitation and strengthen regulatory framework for protection of beach, dunes and vegetation".
Nationally Determined Contribution to develop new integrated climate services and information systems, for continuous monitoring and risk mapping. Furthermore, by 2030, have developed new early warning systems and new hydrometeorological insurances, within the disaster risk reduction framework for the agricultural, coastal and health sectors, and for flood sensitive urban areas, infrastructure and other vulnerable regions.
The CTCN hosted a Regional Forum for National Designated Entities under the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) from West Asia. The Forum was held on 3-4 April 2016 in Cairo, Egypt.
The CTCN Forum was an occasion to develop and strengthen the regional network of NDEs and their relationship with other technology stakeholders, with a view to identify matchmaking opportunities to secure funding for follow-up actions to CTCN requests or other climate technology activities.