Drainage gradient (DG) is a term in road design, defined as the combined slope due to road surface cross slope (CS) and longitudinal slope (hilliness). Although the term may not be used, the concept is also used in roof design and landscape architecture.If the drainage gradient is too low, rain and melt water drainage will be insufficient. This results in water pooling on the road surface, thereby increasing the risk for hydroplaning and wet-pavement vehicle crashes.
Drainage gradient
Israwind is a leading small wind turbines manufacturer. We design manufacture and sell small wind turbines provide comprehensive package of technical support for system integration installation and maintenance including integration of hybrid Wind-Solar - Diesel-generator power generation equipment power storage and inverters in Israel. Israwind hybrid wind -solar systems are techno-economically viable for rural electrification. Our ComSpin C wind power solutions are designed to power a different types of telecom sites at grid-connected and off-grid locations worldwide.
Publication dateObjective
En este informe identificaremos, analizaremos y compararemos buenas prácticas internacionales de diseño e implementación de indicadores para sistemas de monitoreo y evaluación para la adaptación al cambio climático. El primer capítulo ofrece una introducción al contexto y la terminología clave en el tema de adaptación al cambio climático e indicadores de M&E para la adaptación. El segundo capítulo analiza los enfoques de M&E existentes, mientras que el capítulo 3 ofrece un panorama general de los enfoques de M&E para la adaptación al cambio climático.
Publication dateObjectiveSectors
To develop a commercial model for biomass distributed electricity generation based on an assessment of development needs namely technology financing mechanisms capacity building at local level for establishing RESCOs.
Create and manage a web site during the project period
DSCL Energy Services Limited
Publication date
This paper provides a framework for stakeholder engagement regarding the common questions and challenges that arise in the context of planning for and implementing distributed generation (DG) options to address the electricity access gap. The questions addressed in the framework shed light on the key considerations necessary for the long-term sustainability of DG projects. The key considerations are presented as questions with short explanations of their relevance.
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountryThailand
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationCountryIndonesia
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationCountryIndonesia
Type of National planObjectiveMitigationSectorsCountryIndonesia