Key documents
Date- Europe/CopenhagenCountryBarbados
Publication date
The 193 individual country profiles capture the status and progress of all UN Member States, and the 80+ indicators include a wealth of information on child, adolescent and adult anthropometry and nutritional status, in addition to intervention coverage, food supply, economics, and demography. This tool is particularly useful for nutrition champions at the country-level, as it presents a wide range of evidence needed to assess country progress in improving nutrition and nutrition-related outcomes.
Publication dateObjective
The small islands developing states of the Caribbean are highly susceptible to the impacts of climate change and as such are compelled to formulate comprehensive adaptation strategies. First however, they must assess their potential losses from climate change. The purpose of this report is to assess the potential economic impact of climate change on the CARICOM countries: Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago.
Publication dateObjectiveApproach
This Second National Communication (SNC) on Climate Change is in compliance with Dominica’s obligation to the UNFCCC. Chapter 1 sets the National Circumstances, and in particular the aspects of development policies related to the major components of climate change process. Chapter 2 is devoted to Greenhouse Gases Emissions and Inventories, carried out for the period 2000 – 2005, in accordance with the methodology recommended by the Convention Secretariat and the IPCC. Chapter 3 deals with Vulnerability to climate change and its variability.
Publication dateObjectiveApproach
A review of adaptation action in the Caribbean was undertaken by the Adaptation Partnership between October 2010 and April 2011.
Presentation of Kyoto Mechanism Eligibility status for CARILEC Member Companies
Type of National planCountryDominica
Dominica commits to progressively reduce total gross greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions below 2014 levels (164.5 Ggs est.) at the following reduction rates: 17.9% by 2020 39.2% by 2025 and 44.7% by 2030...This contribution is conditional upon receiving timely access to international climate change financing, technology development and transfer, and capacity building support for priority adaptation and mitigation measures.Dominica has also outlined its plans for building climate resilience (adaptation), noting that there is little distinction between adaptation and mitigation measures – an integ
Type of National planObjectiveAdaptationSectorsCountryEcuador
Type of National planObjectiveAdaptationCountryDominican Republic
Publication date
This publication is designed to increase the base of knowledge about the characteristics and functions of the energy sector in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries. This work on the energy matrix and sector governance of each country in the Caribbean was carried out in parallel to similar work for the rest of the Latin American and Caribbean region. However, the methodology for this region varies slightly from country to country as there is no single set of comparable data for all the nations in this group.