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    This Technology Transfer Advances Djibouti's

    • Nationally Determined Contribution to avoid 1.8 MtCO2e of future emissions, reducing its emissions by 40% compared to the reference scenario. Implementing conditional measures would enable the reduction of an additional 0.9 MtCO2e, or 20% of GHG emissions by 2030 compared to the reference scenario. The conditional mitigation scenario would therefore allow the Republic of Djibouti to maintain its level of emissions at the equivalent of 2010 levels.
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    The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) together with the Radboud University (the Netherlands) organized a summer school on the climate action for sustainable development. There were 28 participants from 23 different countries of which CTCN is sponsoring 15 participants from the Least Developed Countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Chad, Djibouti, Guinea, Malawi, Myanmar, Mozambique, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia). 

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    TO BE EFFECTIVE, COMMITMENTS TO ACTION MUST BE IMPLEMENTED AND ENFORCED. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICIES AND INTERVENTIONS DEPENDS on converting political commitment to practical action. How are governments and other stakeholders doing in implementing policies and interventions that reflect commitment?

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    The 193 individual country profiles capture the status and progress of all UN Member States, and the 80+ indicators include a wealth of information on child, adolescent and adult anthropometry and nutritional status, in addition to intervention coverage, food supply, economics, and demography. This tool is particularly useful for nutrition champions at the country-level, as it presents a wide range of evidence needed to assess country progress in improving nutrition and nutrition-related outcomes.

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    À l’aube de l’ère post-2015 des Objectifs de Développement Durable (odd), le monde est Confronté à de nombreux problèmes apparemment insolubles. La malnutrition ne devrait pas en faire partie. Les pays déterminés à faire des progrès rapides dans la réduction de la malnutrition peuvent y parvenir, et les incitations à améliorer la nutrition sont fortes. Une bonne nutrition constitue un fondement essentiel du développement humain, primordial pour la réalisation de tout notre potentiel.

  • Type of National plan

    . “Grâce aux mesures inconditionnelles, la République de Djibouti s’engage à éviter les émissions futures d’1,8 MtCO2e de GES, réduisant ainsi ses émissions de 40% par rapport au scénario de référence. La mise en place des mesures conditionnelles permettra une réduction supplémentaire de 0.9MtCO2e, soit 20% des émissions de GES en 2030 par rapport au scénario de référence.

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    The development objective of the Geothermal Power Generation Project for Djibouti is to assist the recipient in assessing the commercial viability of the geothermal resource in Fiale Caldera within the Lake Assal region. The project has three components. The first component is drilling program.

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    As we move into the post-2015 era of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the world faces many seemingly intractable problems. Malnutrition should not be one of them. The incentives to improve nutrition are strong, and determined countries can make rapid advances in malnutrition reduction. Good nutrition provides a vital foundation for human development that is central to meeting our full potential. When nutrition status improves, it leads to a host of positive outcomes for individuals and families.