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  • Objective

    The primary objective of flood-proofing is to reduce or avoid the impacts of coastal flooding upon structures. This may include elevating structures above the floodplain, employing designs and building materials which make structures more resilient to flood damage and preventing floodwaters from entering structures in the flood zone, amongst other measures.

    The description of this technology originates from Linham and Nicholls (2010).


  • Publication date

    This Colombian country profile identifies areas for action,formulated in 11 specific regional adaptation plans. Efforts are concentrated in the most vulnerable areas of the country.

    Colombia is a country of diverse geography and climatic regions including tropical rainforests, savannas, steppes, deserts and mountainous areas.

    In terms of population health, Colombia has made continued progress in attainment of the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs).

  • Type of National plan

    Lao PDR (People’s Democratic Republic) has identified a number of actions which it intends to undertake in order reduce its future GHG emissions, subject to the provision of international support. These are outlined in Table 1 together with preliminary estimates of the projected emissions reductions which will occur as a result. These estimates have been drawn from a variety of sources and need to be reviewed and updated to address consistency and accuracy in analytical methods once more reliable data and information are available. The INDC also includes a section on Adaptation.

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