
  • Knowledge partner
    Knowledge partner
    Country of registration
    Relation to CTCN
    Consortium Partner
    Knowledge Partner
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Agriculture and forestry
    Coastal zones
    Early warning and Environmental assessment
    Renewable energy
    Energy efficiency
    Infrastructure and Urban planning
    Marine and Fisheries
    Waste management
    • UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre works to implement UNEP's climate change strategy and energy programme. They provide advisory services to assist developing countries to deliver on the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals.


  • Date
    - Europe/Copenhagen

    Event providing rich networking opportunities to our National Designated Entities based in Asia.

  • Date
    - Europe/Copenhagen
    Costa Rica

    The CTCN hosted a Regional Forum for NDEs from Latin America and spanish-speaking Caribbean countries on 26-28 October in San Jose, Costa Rica.

  • Date
    - Europe/Copenhagen

    Event providing rich networking opportunities to our National Designated Entities based in Asia.

  • Date
    - Europe/Copenhagen
    Costa Rica

    The CTCN hosted a Regional Forum for NDEs from Latin America and spanish-speaking Caribbean countries on 26-28 October in San Jose, Costa Rica.

  • Publication date

    The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), together with the Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN), organized a workshop in order to develop and strengthen the regional network of National Designated Entities (NDEs) and their relationship with small and medium enterprises and clean energy technology stakeholders.

    The two day workshop aimed to identify matchmaking opportunities and follow-up actions through the CTCN for clean technology investments in South East Asia.

  • Date
    - Europe/Copenhagen

    The Climate Technology Centre and Network is accountable to the Conference of the Parties (COP) of the UNFCCC through the CTCN Advisory Board. The Advisory Board meets twice per year and provides direction on the CTCN’s fulfillment of the COP’s guidance.

    The Ninth Meeting of the Advisory Board took place at the UN Campus in Bonn (Germany) from 3-5 April, 2017.

    Photo gallery

  • Publication date


    As part of its Secondment Programme launched in 2015, the UNFCCC’s Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) recently welcomed Gaudensia Owino, a Research Scientist in the Environment Division of the Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI). Gaudensia is also a member of the Kenyan National Designated Entity (NDE) technical review team, which assesses requests to the CTCN for technical assistance. 

  • Publication date

    The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is co-lead in the hosting and management of the Climate  Technology Centre and Network (CTCN). The mission of the CTCN, the operational arm of the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism, is to stimulate technology cooperation and to enhance the development and transfer of technologies to