Organik Farm: empowering women for a sustainable, climate resilient food production Publication date Monday, December 25, 2017 Objective Adaptation Sectors Agriculture and forestry Approach Endogenous technologies Gender Description of the project:
Vetch field as green fertilizer into 5 year crop rotation technology (TAP) Type of National plan TAP Objective Adaptation Sectors Agriculture and forestry Country Moldova
Vetch field as green fertilizer into five - year crop rotation Type of National plan TNA Project Idea Objective Adaptation Sectors Agriculture and forestry Cross-sectoral enabler Communication and awareness Country Moldova
Conservation farming Type of National plan TNA Project Idea Objective Adaptation Sectors Agriculture and forestry Country Zambia
Classic tillage on slopes with more than 5 degrees gradient in a crop rotation with participation of field seeded crops only (spiked cereals- annual legumes- perennial herbaceous) Type of National plan TNA Objective Mitigation Sectors Agriculture Country Moldova
The classic tillage (plowing 20-35cm deep with moldboard plow (Annex 1), with cutting and turning within a crop rotation with 50% weeding crops) without application of organic fertilizers Type of National plan TNA Objective Mitigation Sectors Agriculture Country Moldova
Conventional land cultivation system with moldboard plow in 5 fields crop rotation with a field of vetch used as green fertilizer. Type of National plan TNA Objective Adaptation Sectors Agriculture and forestry Country Moldova
Vetch field as green fertilizer as successive into existing crop rotation. Type of National plan TNA Objective Adaptation Sectors Agriculture and forestry Country Moldova
Crop rotation of cereals in Mongolia Type of National plan TNA Objective Adaptation Sectors Agriculture and forestry Country Mongolia